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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Time to...Series - Essay # 3 - Time to Choose a Fork

Time to...Series

Time to…Choose a Fork

Essay No. 03 – Time to Choose a Fork

Have you ever been casually strolling down the highway of life, and suddenly find yourself playing the role of the Coyote in a Roadrunner cartoon.  That moment, when suddenly, a giant fork appears in the road in front of you, and you have to chose which tine on the fork to take.  If you’ve been the coyote before, you know that more than likely, one of those tines is going to have an Acme Safe above it ready to fall on your head.  Another tine, is either going to explode.  Silently you hope that at least one of the tines will be the route that will let you finally catch the Roadrunner
If you life is like mine, it probably seems to be full of forks in the road, and for many of us, the first fork that we have to choose is sitting on the table in front of us, when we make it to the big table for the family Thanksgiving Dinner. For suddenly instead of the one fork, which you used for everything, there are two or maybe even three forks next to your plate.  You’re first thought is which one is for what, if no one had taken the time to explain this old world tradition, and for most boys, the second thought is, “hey it is all going to the same spot in my body, so why do I need a one fork for my meat and another for my salad.”

If that is the only fork, that you have ever had to make a choice about, then you have lived either a charmed or very boring life, and personally I would lean towards that later.  For most of us, we have had an untold number of forks appear before along our life’s journey.  If you are lucky, most of the forks you meet along life’s road, especially when you are young and learning, are like a carving fork, with just two tines or routes from which to choose. For me, those early forks seemed to be placed in the road of life to teach me how to make the decision about which tine to take in my life’s journey.
I will be the first to admit that I did not always choose the right branch of the fork to follow.  Even though the path was not always right, I tried my best to learn from each mistake, and soon discovered that some of the paths that were wrong would allow you to backtrack and take either the other path, or choose between those remaining.  The trick in life is to not take the fork that is totally wrong, and from which there is no return.  Thankfully, I have not chosen this fork in my life, to date, but it is disturbing for me to see the number of young people, and not just in this country, who are taking that fork.
I would also like to admit here, that I have never been one to take one route, and stick to it forever. I have take many a different path, some of which have lead me to amazing experiences, and places, but I have also taken a few duds in my life, most often done during a time of feeling desperate.  However, at the present time I am on a path that I chose from the fork that appeared in my life’s highway at the end of the double ought decade.  Luckily it was a two prong fork, and the forks were pretty easy to choose from: Work, Be Depressed, Be Bored, or Retire, Make the same money, Reduce stress, Be Happy, Be Creative.

It really was a pretty easy choice for me; I retired, and have not looked back. In fact I have only been back once since I left to do a little consulting, and after the first day there, I felt just like I did before I retired.  Luckily for me, I could do the rest of the consulting work from my home, which I happily did. My choice of the retirement fork in the road has done exactly what I expected it to do.  I still have been able to maintain a steady income level, without touching reserves; my stress level is such that I have been able to reduce my medications, I truthfully feel happier than I have in years.  As for where my personal level of creativity is at the moment, since I have retired, I have written and published 27 separate works, initially under my pen-name, and beginning this year under my own name as well.  I also create and maintain my own web-site, www.antiquepoet.com, as well as write and publish three blogs.
My favorite part about this path, the one that I call, “Creative Retirement” is that I have not worked a day since I began this journey.  This is a path that I fully intend to stay on for the rest of my life.  Contrary to the path that most seek today, I am not on this path for monetary gain, my rewards along this path, come in the form of emotional stability, personal happiness, and pride in what my creativity has produced.  I still remember the feeling that I felt, when the first copy of the first book I published sold.  It is an easy feeling to remember, since I experience it still today for each book that sells. 
I hope that like me, you are able to choose the path to follow, which brings your happiness and peace, when that multi-tine fork suddenly appears in your life’s highway. My path is chosen, and I don’t foresee it changing anytime soon, but one never does know when that next fork may suddenly appear in life’s road.

©September 23, 2015
Richard Nurse
The Antique Poet

Friday, September 18, 2015

Time to... Series - Essay # 2 - By: Richard Nurse

Time to …

A series of essays on letting your creative side take control’

Essay no. 2- Time to be Proud

The decision to write and published under my own name, was a major step for me. I would no longer be hiding behind a pen-name, but would be now be taking full and complete credit for my work, be it positive or negative.  Along with writing under my own name, I also made the decision to reach out to a different market and in a new genre for me. I did not know what the genre would be, for like so much of what I write, it simply flows out of me. 

The story that escaped from where ever it had been hiding in my sub-conscious became my first International Crime Drama “Murder in St. Luietz” (Guns – Stilettos & Money).  A story that takes place on a fictional tropical island, and not only involves the islands police force, but agents from the United States, and wet work specialist from the Russian mafia, all because a US Senator changed his vote on an appropriations bill, suddenly bringing an end to Gretchen’s grand plan. I decided to Market it exclusively through Amazon, along with a paperback edition through CreatSpace.  I will be the first to admit, that I am still a starving author, but I am proud of its solid reviews, and 4.25 rating. 

While “Murder in St. Luietz” was going through its editing process, I decided to head off in a different direction.  I had a large number of works of poetry, some of which had been published on blogs and others that had never been published.  I decided to break the book into four different sections, and include both poetry and prose. Many of the poems were inspired, by my experiences with dealing with the sudden addition of my mother-in-law, as a member of our household.  As I put the book together, I made the decision that nothing was going to be excluded from the book.  The title for the book is essentially a statement of its contents.  “Words from the Heart” A Collection of Poetry and Prose became the title before the poem “Words from the Heart” was written. The assembly of the parts of the book inspired the title poem.  Published on June 24th of this year, both through CreatSpace as a paperback, and Amazon in digital formats, I am quite proud of the book and that fact that all of its ratings have been five stars.

A third book also managed to find its way out of heart and mind.  Inspired by a long series of tones that came out of my police scanner one night, as the 911 Center, took total control of the communications channels to put out a system wide broadcast.  This one happened to be to officially announce the retirement of a captain, from the Sheriff’s Department, but the idea formed, and I began to write about a similar series of tones from a 911 Center in a fictitious city. My newest book, “Out of the Chaos” which will be released digitally September 15th,  was born that night, and simply flowed out of me.

As usual, when I write, I did so without knowing what was going to happen next until is showed up on screen of my laptop.  Somewhere along the way, the book evolved from a police drama, to a romantic police drama, as the principals began to realize that a special connection had formed between them.  Once again I have had the book published as a paperback through CreatSpace, while with this book; I am not limiting it to Amazon. Instead it will be released through Amazon, Smashwords, and Google Play at the same time.

As I said in the beginning of this rambling, that it was a year without plan, and a year with both intellectual and physical creative accomplishments. There is one physical accomplishment which I accomplished that I am extremely proud of.  For a number of years we have had a covered porch behind our garage that we love to spend time on.  However, over the last couple of years, the number of mosquitoes in our area has slowly made our porch unusable, first in the evenings and then with the dampness from our heave snowfall during the winter, and a wet spring, it became unusable with having a fan going at high speed.  After having a new floor poured in the late spring, it bothered me greatly not to be able to use the porch, because of the bugs.
In mid June, once again forced off of the porch in the early afternoon, I went up to my office and began to draw up different concepts to screen in the porch.  Over the next week, I measured and created drawings and a list of materials required.  I told my wife of my plan, and then order the material necessary to construct the frame of the porch.  Phase one essentially of the project, that I managed to complete, prior to our departure to Chicago, for our trip with our granddaughter.  Upon our return from Chicago, I began Phase two, which including finishing the lower inner and outer walls, and hanging the door.  Phase three, consisted of constructing 14 custom built frames, and then making each into a tight screen, and fitting it into its assigned space.  While I did the construction and built all of the screens, my dear wife painted and caulked, and then painted some more.  The project was completed by the end of July and we have been able to sit and enjoy our now bug free porch. Our feral cat pride, also enjoys the porch, and quickly adapted to their cat doors, and have, to this date, not bothered climb the screens.  When I finished the porch, I knew that I had done a good job, as I had kept hearing Mike Holmes voice telling me to “make it right”, while I worked on it.  However, when the roofing contractor, whom I had hired to replace our roof and gutters, which had been damaged during the long cold winter, came up and congratulated me on a great job, and asked I wanted to build another one at his house, I knew that I had truly done a job to be proud of.

I don’t know what the rest of the year might bring, for like the beginning of the year, I have no true agenda, with the exception of being a dealer in a two day glass show as part of our antique business, S & D Antiques.  While my wife has a full agenda, as she is booked through most of September, October, November and December, by various institutions and agencies, to present her lectures and talks on Art and Architectural History, to senior citizens, who have not lost the desire to learn. 

I am definitely proud of what I have accomplished this year. For a year that began with no agenda or plan, I can now hold three books in my hand, which were all begun and published this year. And what at times, is the best of all; we can now sit on our porch, and actually read a book or write one, without slapping mosquitoes constantly.  I’ve been doing my best not to write this is verse, but I am slowly loosing that battle:

That’s the Plan

Since, I just realized that,
I just might actually have a plan, 
That might produce something quite grand.
My plan is so simple, all should understand
To let my left side take control,
And go where ever it wants to go.

I’ll let the characters take the lead,
Become their Marionette dangling over the keys
Let them take control, move the wires and string
Making my fingers dance over the keys.
I’ll let each character, write what they please
And what part that they play.

Then I’ll take their story and read it through
And decide just what to do.
Tweak a little here, and add a bit here
Talk with the characters, when I need too
Letting some add to the story
While others just might have to go.

So that is my plan, just plant a seed
Then sit back, and see what will grow.
Now if the truth it to be told,
I’m not being bold, for it’s how I love to write.
So I am willing to wager, more than just a bit;
That my next story will flow, as the characters tell what to I write.

Copyright September 17, 2015
Richard D. Nurse

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Time to..., Essay No. 1 by, Richard Nurse

Welcome to the First of what I intend to be a new series on this blog.

I am planning a series of Essays based on the phrase "Time To..."  At some point in all of our lives it is "Time To...".  I'll let you fill in your own words for the moment, but as you will see below in my first essay. I chose 'Take a Chance' as my first subject.

I hope you enjoy, and I am always interested in comments, and in this case, your way to finish the Phrase.

Time to …

A series of essays on based on completing the title phrase.

Essay No. 1 - Time to take a Chance

2015 was a year that began with no agenda, or grand plans, except for one: To have each breath followed by another, so that I would be there to experience the joy and excitement of her first trip to Chicago.  A year that began with lots of time on our hands courtesy of Mother Nature: Time to think, Time to worry, Time to muse, Time to write, Time to Dream, Time to Create, Time to Shovel, and Time to Shiver.

Where did all of this time come from, especially in this day of: multi-tasking, multiple jobs, carting the kids here and there, or going to watch your grandchildren perform either in the arts or on the athletic arena?  For me the answer is quite simple. First of all, I am retired, so I enjoy the luxury of having time to do with as I please something one rarely gets to do during their working, and child rearing years.  Second, my only child, and my only grandchild live over a hundred miles away, which makes it a bit much to run off to every event, or on the negative side to see them as often as I would like.  The time factor during the first three months of this year, was greatly influenced, as mentioned above by Mother Nature, as it was either; snowing and blowing, or so bitterly cold and windy, that you only went out if you truly had to.

I would like to take this moment to add another important word into this essay. The word is Proud, and that is exactly how I feel about what I have accomplished in the first eight plus months of this year. I know I still have over a quarter of a year left to accomplish more, but I am both proud and satisfied with what I have accomplished to date, and if nothing more is completed, then it has still been a wonderful year.  Especially during a year that began with no true plan or agenda, for me to have allowed my creativity, to simply flow, both physically and mentally.

For those that do not know me personally, I have written both poetry and prose for years, but have never submitted any to be published, with the exception of a piece for Collector’s Magazine, titled “Addicted to Glass”.   Towards the end of 2013, I was sitting in my office, and cleaning up the files on my laptop, when I came across a folder, that held much of the work that I have written over the years, and have transferred to a digital format.  I spent the rest of the day, reading some of the stories, and the idea of finally publishing my five novel series worked its way to the surface in my mind. After a few days of on-line research, I decided I would publish the first book in the series. I did not feel comfortable with publishing my first book myself, so I talked with my wife, and gave myself an early Christmas Present, and contracted with a known publishing house, which would publish and distribute a book in all e-formats, and still allow the author to keep their rights.
It did not take me long to figure out that, what I was getting was quite basic, and that any additional service, such as editing, or proofing was additional and very expensive. I did learn a lot during the process, and became more active on line, and communicating with other indie authors, learned of Amazon’s KDP program, and a bit later about Smashwords.com.  My book was published, under a pen-name that I still use today.  It was at that point when my frustration with the old school publisher set in.  I could find my book listed on Amazon, and Barnes & Nobel, but I had no way of knowing if it was selling.  The publisher, did not have the ability, or even felt it necessary to have a way for authors to check on their performance, until a entire sales quarter had ended, and the you still had to wait another two months for your sales information.   I am have a results driven personality, so I truly became more and more frustrated, when I could not get any results. My first knowledge that my book had sold at least one copy came when it receive a review and rating on Amazon.  During this five months period of no analytical information, I probably received five calls from my representative at the publishers, asking if I was ready to publish my next book in the series.  To which my response was, “How can I make that decision, when you can’t tell me how the first book is doing.”

My frustration, led me to Amazon KDP, and I released the second book in the series in March of that year. I still had no idea how the first book was doing, but I knew that the second book was selling on Amazon, so I released one a month until all five were out.  Looking to further expand the distribution of my books, I began to also publish on Smashwords, beginning with a series of short stories that had actually been portions cut from the original series.

I didn’t leave what I published to just what I had already written.  Once my mind had shifted back into a writing mode again, my creative juices began to flow, and new stories and poetry began to find its way to my fingers and onto my laptop.  I began to publish a blog, which often contained one of my new poems, and without any pre-planning, a collection of new poems just seemed to work together, and my first book of poetry was born, and published. I knew that I had been given a gift, and I was not about to waste it; by the end of 2014 I had published twenty different works. Five of which I had written during the year, while the rest had been written earlier, but all needed editing and revisions.
2015 arrived, bringing with it a continuation of the snow and cold that settled in over the Northeast in late December.  Time was plentiful, as most of the time it was either too snowy and windy, or too cold and windy to venture outside.  With ample time to think and write, I decided that it was time to take another chance.  I decided to write my next book under my own name, instead of my pen-name.  Essentially I had decided to let the world know that I could and did write both poetry and prose, and that I was strong enough to accept either the criticism or praise, whatever the outcome may be.

To date this year I have written and published two novels, and a book of poetry and prose. Thankfully, for the most part, I have received much more praise than criticism, and can truly say that I am very happy to have realized that it was once again “Time to take a Chance.

The decision to write and published under my own name, was a major step for me. I would no longer be hiding behind a pen-name, but would be now be taking full and complete credit for my work, be it positive or negative.  Along with writing under my own name, I also made the decision to reach out to a different market and in a new genre for me. I did not what the genre would be, for like so much of what I write, it simply flows out of me. 
The story that escaped from where ever it had been hiding in my sub-conscious became my first International Crime Drama “Murder in St. Luietz” (Guns – Stilettos & Money).  A story that takes place on a fictional tropical island, and not only involves the islands police force, but agents from the United States, and wet work specialist from the Russian mafia, all because a US Senator changed his vote on an appropriations bill, suddenly bringing an end to Gretchen’s grand plan. I decided to Market it exclusively through Amazon, along with a paperback edition through CreatSpace.  I will be the first to admit, that I am still a starving author, but I am proud of its solid reviews, and 4.25 rating. 

While “Murder in St. Luietz” was going through its editing process, I decided to head off in a different direction.  I had a large number of works of poetry, some of which had been published on one of my blogs, and others that had never been published.  I decided to break the book into four different sections, and include both poetry and prose. Many of the poems were inspired, by my experiences with dealing with the sudden addition of my mother-in-law, as a member of our household.  As I put the book together, I made the decision that nothing was going to be excluded from the book.  The title for the book is essentially a statement of its contents.  “Words from the Heart” A Collection of Poetry and Prose became the title before the poem “Words from the Heart” was written. The assembly of the parts of the book inspired the title poem.  Published on June 24th of this year, both through CreatSpace as a paperback, and Amazon in digital formats, I am quite proud of the book and that fact that all of its ratings have been five stars.

A third book also managed to find its way out of heart and mind.  Inspired by a long series of tones that came out of my police scanner one night, as the 911 Center, took total control of the communications channels to put out a system wide broadcast.  This one happened to be to officially announce the retirement of a captain, from the Sheriff’s Department, but the idea formed, and I began to write about a similar series of tones from a 911 Center in a fictitious city. My newest book, “Out of the Chaos” which will be released digitally today, September 12th,  was born that night, and simply flowed out of me. As usual, when I write, I did so without knowing what was going to happen next until is showed up on screen of my laptop.  Somewhere along the way, the book evolved from a police drama, to a romantic police drama, as the principals began to realize that a special connection had formed between them.  Once again I have had the book published as a paperback through CreatSpace, while with this book; I am not limiting it to Amazon. Instead it will be released through Amazon, Smashwords, and Google Play at the same time.

In conclusion, and I hate admit it, but  I am old enough that I learned how to read, with Dick and Jane, and have until just a few years ago, always held a physical book in my hands when  reading.  I must admit that I do own a Kindle, but I did not get one until I began to publish on Amazon.   I now do most of my reading on it, in part, because my wife and I can read, me on my Kindle, and her on her Nook, in bed at night for as long as either pleases, without disturbing whoever wants to sleep first .They are convenient, and certainly save on shelf space, but there is something special about the feeling of actual book in your hands.  As an author, there was a special feeling of pride, when I received my own copies of my books.  There is something special about writing a book, and then holding the actual physical results of your efforts in your hand.  I am proud of every piece that I have written and published, be it in digital format only, or also in print, written under my pen-name or under my own name.  I write for the pleasure of writing, yes I would love to have a bestseller, but I can truthfully say that if I have provided some form of entertainment, and pleasure to one reader, then I am happy that I took the chance. 

©September 12, 2015
By: Richard Nurse
All Rights Reserved